Released in 1994 by Bandai Namco, Tekken is one of the world’s largest and most iconic fighting game franchises. Known for its innovative graphics, smooth gameplay, and diverse roster of characters, Tekken has become a milestone in the video game industry, with over 50 million copies sold globally. The series follows the Mishima family rivalry, with protagonists such as Heihachi, Kazuya, and Jin, and explores a complex story of revenge and power. In 2023, Tekken 8 was released, bringing cutting-edge graphics, new characters, and refined combat mechanics, further solidifying its position as one of the most anticipated titles in the genre. The game also reached 1 million downloads upon its release, cementing the franchise’s success on digital platforms. Tekken continues to thrive with a strong presence in eSports tournaments like the Tekken World Tour, and remains one of the cornerstones of fighting games today.