The National Gallery+ Superdose Chilli Beans


Superdose is an annual event where the new Chilli Beans collections are presented to the fashion market, collaborators and influencers. The show to introduce The National Gallery collection featured models using body paint. Each model, in addition to wearing an accessory from the partnership, had a reproduction of an internationally known work of art on her body, such as Venus and Mars (Sandro Botticelli, 1483) and Arnolfini Portrait (Jan van Eyck, 1434). The sample was considered one of the favorites of the night.

Let's make a splash!

Equipe Pepper está a disposição dos nossos clientes para auxiliar desde questões jurídicas até aprovação de produtos, mídias sociais e desenvolvimento de projetos.

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El equipo de Pepper está a disposición de nuestros clientes para ayudarles desde cuestiones legales hasta la aprobación de productos, pasando por las redes sociales y el desarrollo de proyectos.

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Let's make a splash!

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Avenida Carlos Gomes, 1610. Porto Alegre – RS – Brasil.

Pepper2Play ® 2023.