Street Fighter + Riachuelo


Riachuelo, one of the largest retailers in Brazil, has been a partner of the Street Fighter brand for years. In addition to versatile collections consisting of women’s and men’s T-shirts, the brand bets on products such as men’s underwear and packs of colored socks that explore the most diverse arts of the fighting game characters. Riachuelo is also known for being present with its gamer brands, mainly Street Fighter, at major events such as BGS and CCXP.

Let's make a splash!

Equipe Pepper está a disposição dos nossos clientes para auxiliar desde questões jurídicas até aprovação de produtos, mídias sociais e desenvolvimento de projetos.

Entre em contato conosco!

Let's make a splash!

El equipo de Pepper está a disposición de nuestros clientes para ayudarles desde cuestiones legales hasta la aprobación de productos, pasando por las redes sociales y el desarrollo de proyectos.

Póngase en contacto con nosotros.

Let's make a splash!

Pepper team is available to assist our customers from legal issues to product approval, social media and project development.

Contact us!


Avenida Carlos Gomes, 1610. Porto Alegre – RS – Brasil.

Pepper2Play ® 2023.