Pac-Man + Joker Socks

The sock brand from Rio Grande do Sul, Joker Socks, known in the market for its different designs that do not fit the classic color palette, launched the collection of licensed Pac-Man socks, which consists of twelve models that give a show of storytelling and nostalgia to fans of the brand. In addition to being available on e-commerce, they can be found in more than 85 of the brand's franchises throughout Brazil.

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El equipo de Pepper está a disposición de nuestros clientes para ayudarles desde cuestiones legales hasta la aprobación de productos, pasando por las redes sociales y el desarrollo de proyectos.

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Pepper team is available to assist our customers from legal issues to product approval, social media and project development.

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Avenida Carlos Gomes, 1610. Porto Alegre – RS – Brasil.

Pepper2Play ® 2023.