Pac-Man + Rock in Rio

In 2019, Pac-Man Experience was present at the biggest music festival in the world - Rock in Rio, being the only game to participate in the event. It was so successful that the attraction had more than 700,000 visitors and worked as follows: the public wore a themed hat of one of the Pac-Man characters and played in a life-size maze that simulated the most famous maze in the world.

Let's make a splash!

Equipe Pepper está a disposição dos nossos clientes para auxiliar desde questões jurídicas até aprovação de produtos, mídias sociais e desenvolvimento de projetos.

Entre em contato conosco!

Let's make a splash!

El equipo de Pepper está a disposición de nuestros clientes para ayudarles desde cuestiones legales hasta la aprobación de productos, pasando por las redes sociales y el desarrollo de proyectos.

Póngase en contacto con nosotros.

Let's make a splash!

Pepper team is available to assist our customers from legal issues to product approval, social media and project development.

Contact us!


Avenida Carlos Gomes, 1610. Porto Alegre – RS – Brasil.

Pepper2Play ® 2023.